26 March 2016

Found Furnishings

Again I ask your pardon after a long absence. Aside from my very active toddler, who makes the entire concept of "free time" laughable, I have been keeping busy with other endeavors. I'm teaching print & digital publications at the local community college, I'm doing a bit more freelance graphic design, and last but not least, I bought a furniture shop.

Wait, what?


Yes, you read that correctly. After 10+ years of what-ifs and lofty dreams, my mother and I, along with my aunt Sari, now co-own the coolest furniture and home decor shop in West Texas.

Found Furnishings group photo
Top row, L to R: Sari, my mom Jeannie, and our employee Shanti. Bottom row: Me!
Found Furnishings is located at 428 Andrews Hwy in Midland, and specializes in eclectic, vintage, industrial, custom and upcycled home decor. Found features fine curated finds that will make a home stand out, and if we can't find the perfect piece for our customers, we make or modify something to fit. We work with local artisans and craftspeople to showcase stand-out pieces, and we scour the country for unusual and fun things to enliven spaces.

Sorry, I slipped into my marketing voice for a minute. But seriously, it's amazing.



For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed thrifting, repurposing and decorating my space to be entirely my own, and now it's my job. My mind is constantly spinning with ideas of how to expand and improve our business. Our to-do list is miles long.


If you are in the area, please check us out in person, because no photo can do it justice. If not, feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram until the website is up and running. And no promises about when I'll get around to that, because I have a new project in the works, coming to the blog soon! Hint: It's a skoolie.



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